Travel journal evernote templates
Travel journal evernote templates

travel journal evernote templates travel journal evernote templates

Did someone post a paper schedule of events that you want to remember? Snap a photo and file it in Evernote. You get an idea when you’re standing in line at the grocery store? You can plop it into Evernote right then and there. And because Evernote is cloud-based, you can access it through your desktop computer, tablet, smartphone, or anything that has Internet access. Once you save notes, you can organize them into nice, neat notebooks and put groups of notebooks into nice, neat stacks, turning those piles of paper into clean, digital, searchable files. Web pages - go to any web page and save a screenshot, a simplified version of the web page, or the whole dang page as is.Uploaded files (including Word documents, PDFs, image files, etc.).Handwritten notes - just snap a picture and upload a handwritten note straight to your Evernote account.Notes you type directly into the program.In an Evernote account, you can store all of these things: Like a Trapper Keeper for the 21st century. Think of Evernote like a 3-ring binder you keep online. If so, you could really benefit from a wonderful online tool called Evernote. Photo Credit: Mack Male Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Image recolored and cropped. Now that we have your calendar sorted out, let’s talk about those pieces of paper you’ve got scattered all over your desk, your kitchen counter, or wherever you stick them.ĭoes at least one surface in your life look anything like this? A few weeks ago, I showed you how to manage your schedule with Google Calendar.

Travel journal evernote templates